Times I Have Cried Watching Season 40 of Survivor: Winners at War

When Tyson talked about how Survivor gave him more opportunities to stay home with his daughters instead of working a 9-5. And when he celebrated how Survivor supported him in using his random skills which is why it’s the perfect job for him. 

When everyone on the edge of Extinction (Natalie, Amber, Ethan and Dani) were tasked with bringing 20 pieces of firewood one at a time down a mountain to earn only 1 fire token (Survivor’s new currency). And when Ethan struggled with the challenge and he almost passed out. And everyone walked with him on his last trip up the mountain to support him because it mattered to them and him. When he thanked them and talked about it afterwards.

When Ethan was getting a pep talk from Parvati when she showed up on the Edge of Extinction after he said he was feeling hopeless and overwhelmed. He was comparing the Edge of Extinction to having cancer and saying he was worried about the effect it would have on his body and she asked him to do some yoga with her and gently pushed him towards focusing on more positive thoughts. When she told him he had been through much harder things than this. Then she mentioned that he didn’t need to go to those thoughts of his cancer reemerging because “this place is already dark enough.” Ethan explains to the camera people that he’s comfortable talking to Parvati and she makes him strong. I cried a lot at this one.

When everyone cried privately after the firewood challenge on the Edge of Extinction. Natalie in the water. Amber on the wood bed.

When Tyson talks about Natalie’s generosity in buying him an immunity idol with her extra fire tokens in case he gets back into the main competition.

When Natalie won her way back into the game. 

When everyone on the Edge of Extinction saw their families show up on the island. The time they each spent with their families. Natalie playing with her niece and sister. Parvati playing with her baby in the water.

When everyone on the main island saw their families for the first time and didn’t have to compete in a challenge but they got to take them all back to their camp to chill and relax all day. When Tyson saw his daughter and wife. When Jeremy’s family came out and hugged him and everyone cried.

After playing scenes from the next episode, they show Jeff saying goodbye to the jury and sending them back to the Edge of Extinction only for Boston Rob to say: “ … hey Probst. Thank you.” Everyone runs up to him to hug him and express their gratitude for letting them see their families despite being on the Edge of Extinction. They yell, “Thank you for the gift!” and “It meant so much to us!” and it’s truly the most emotional moment. Jeff Probst, overwhelmed by their show of love and gratitude for him, smiles widely. He insists “That was a ‘thank you’ to you guys.”